A. Chupakhin, representative of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Samara, took part in a visiting meeting of the Association of Researchers of the Ibero-American World
8 октября 2024 года Представитель МИД России в г. Самаре А.Чупахин принял участие в выездном заседании Ассоциации исследователей ибероамериканского мира в Центре имени Е.М. Примакова (Самарский университет). Заседание было посвящено…
The SCO Interregional Model was held in Samara
On May 21st 2024 the federal Inspector for Samar region Marat Yuryev on behalf of the plenipotentiary representative of the President of Russian Federation in the Volga Federal district Igor…
F. Mukhametshin visits Samara University and learns about promising research developments
The Senator greeted the participants of the Samara Interuniversity Olympiad in Diplomatic Protocol and Etiquette, visited the Center for Space Information Processing, and held working meetings with the University’s rector…
Visit of MGIMO Rector Anatoliy Torkunov to Samara
On March 6-7, MGIMO rector, academician Anatoly V. Torkunov visited Samara. Anatoly Vasilyevich held a number of meetings with representatives of the business and academic community of the region, took…
The agreement has been signed with the Project Office of the Russia-BRICS International Youth Cooperation
Last week, the project office of the international youth cooperation “Russia-BRICS” signed a cooperation agreement with the Samara National Research University named after S.P. Korolev. The university is ranked in…
French cosmonaut, Hero of the Soviet Union Jean‑Loup Chretien took part in the teleconference between Moscow, Samara and Paris
On October 26, MGIMO MFA of Russia and Samara National Research University named after Academician Sergey P. Korolev organized a teleconference “Space Diplomacy”, which brought together cosmonauts, students and activists…
“People in orbit are cosmopolitans”: videoconference on space diplomacy
A teleconference “Space Diplomacy” took place in Moscow, Samara and Paris, where representatives of the Russian private space program, students and the famous French cosmonaut Jean-Loup Chrétien took part. The…
The National Forum “International Integration and Career in Russia” is being held in the Samara region for the second day
On Tuesday, October 17, at the Regional Centre for the Development of Public Diplomacy and International Relations named after Evgeniy M. Primakov, the opening of the All-Russian forum «International Integration…
Farit Mukhametshin made a speech at the opening of the All-Russian Forum “International Integration and Career in Russia”
The senator stressed that this is very up-to-date and important event as the training and attracting of talented graduates of universities, including graduates from different countries perspective investors, gives an…