
Unitis is a youth club that unites active, caring people who share the goals and principles of UNESCO’s activities.

We want our club to become a platform for informal work on the main UNESCO programs. It is an open structure for everyone: for pupils, students, teachers, youth and residents of the Samara region of all ages. It is a discussion platform, a place for cooperative work and recreation, meetings with leading Russian and foreign experts and scientists, and much more.

We are open to everyone. We are open to dialogue and suggestions. Just write us or visit our social groups.


Unitis is working on three main UNESCO programs: «Preservation of cultural heritage», «Education» and «Youth».

Preservation of cultural heritage

Within the framework of the program «Preservation of Cultural Heritage», Unitis strives to attract young people, residents of the region to implement programs and projects for the study, preservation and popularization of the cultural and natural heritage of the Samara region. In particular, the club is working on the study, preservation and popularization of UNESCO World Heritage areas located on the territory of Russia; the study, preservation and popularization of the cultural and natural heritage of the region; educational, scientific and educational projects aimed at strengthening intercultural dialogue and cross-cultural literacy of young people are being implemented.



Within the framework of the «Education» program, Unitis conducts activities aimed at creating conditions for:

– wide involvement of young people in informal education, 

– expansion of horizons, development of creative abilities of club members, 

– formation of motivation among young people to expand interests related to the tasks of human development not only at the national, but also at the international level,

– development of cross-cultural competencies among club members, tolerant attitude towards representatives of other races, cultures and ages,

– formation of an active civic position among young people, the upbringing of an active citizen, a young diplomat (the ability to be sociable, the ability to defend their own position and seek a compromise, the ability to develop organizational and managerial abilities, the willingness to make their own or collective decisions, etc.).

In addition, the club provides assistance in organizing and conducting educational and social events. In particular, Chinese, German, French, Turkish and English clubs are organized by Unitis members. Their main goal is to create a platform for the active exchange of knowledge and experience, search for like-minded people and development in the field of studying a different culture, its traditions and national characteristics, communication with Russian and foreign experts, colleagues from similar clubs working in other cities and countries. Besides, the club members hold an annual student conference dedicated to topical issues of international relations, the development of cross-cultural interaction and mutual understanding.



Within the framework of the Youth program, Unitis works to disseminate information about the principles and ideals of UNESCO among youth raises awareness among young people about the content of UNESCO programs. The main activity of the program is aimed at creating favorable conditions for the development of intellectual and creative potential of youth, attracting youth to solving universal global problems through work in the club. 

In particular, the club holds an annual regional business game Model of the UN – synthesis of a scientific conference and a role-playing game, during which young people from different countries studying at universities in the Samara region reproduce the work of United Nations bodies, acquire diplomatic, leadership, oratorical and language skills and the ability to come to a compromise.

As part of the “Youth” program, the club also hosts Models of the SCO and ASEAN, in which participants reproduce the work of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.



  • Supervisor: Vitaliy G. Roschupkin, Ph.D., Associate professor.
  • The coordinator of the «Education» and «Youth» programs – Shakurova Gulya.
  • Coordinator of the direction of preservation of cultural heritage –
  • Discussion platform coordinator – Vladimir Matveev.