
“SamDiP”is the intellectual and practical competition in which participants identify breaches of protocol procedures and propose possible solutions. They also should present the results of their research in the form of TED-talks project describing the peculiarities of diplomatic protocol in the chosen region.

The Olympiad is organized on annual basis by the Primakov Centre and the Representative Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russian Federation in Samara.

The Olympiad gives participants and attendees the opportunity not only to study non-standard breaches of national protocol, but also to take a fresh look at the cases they already know. The individuality, serious preparation, ability to interact with the audience, non-trivial presentation of the material – these are all the qualities and skills that help participants to impress not only the audience, but also the panel of judges.

According to the results of the Olympiad participants gain theoretical knowledge, form practical skills and abilities necessary for effective international contacts, conducting official and business events, as well as improving the general protocol culture.

We invite school and university students from Samara region to take part in “SamDiP”. A charge of positive emotions and new friends are certainly guaranteed!

Curator of the olympiad “SamDiP”: Shakurova Gulya.

On March 13, 2024, the Samara Interuniversity Olympiad on Diplomatic Protocol and Etiquette “SamDiP-2024” took place at the E.M. Primakov Center. During this event, students had the opportunity to feel…

The knowledge and skills of the participants to understand various cases on the organization of visits, as well as ordinary working meetings between businessmen, were evaluated by a highly qualified jury consisting of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia in Samara and teachers of the Department of General History, International Relations and Documentation of Samara University. It is worth noting that at the end of the Olympiad, each team had to present a project, within which it was necessary to analyze the features of the national protocol.