Opening ceremony of African House in Samara State University of Economics

On October 5, a representative of the Primakov Centre took part in the opening ceremony of African House in Samara State University of Economics. The House is a place where you are always welcome and the doors of African House will be open to international students from all over the region. The African House will work according to its event calendar. The project platform will host conferences, trainings, business meetings, briefings, festivals, and permanent exhibitions. Here everyone will be able to express themselves and declare themselves! This space was created on the initiative of the students of SSEU with the …

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PowerPoint Party

On October 5, the Primakov Centre in cooperation with the Zero Chair: SNO of the History Department held a PowerPoint Party! Within the framework of this event, students of the Faculty of History made presentations on topical and interesting political, cultural and historical topics. Serious and sometimes controversial issues requiring great concentration were discussed through the prism of memes, which, of course, brightened the evening and added laughter. As Andrei Chistyakov – a 4th year student of the History Department of the direction of International Relations: “Memes unite. You know what memes of today and those of 30 years ago …

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Meeting of students with the Consul General of Iran

On October 5, Samara University held the meeting of students studying international relations and the Consul General of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Davoud Mirzakhani, at the Regional Centre for the Development of Public Diplomacy and International Relations named after Yevgeniy M. Primakov.  During the meeting, the issues of cooperation between Iran and Russia were discussed. Mr. Mirzakhani noted that the relations between our countries are actively expanding in the political, economic, and cultural spheres. Moreover, the possibility of signing a free trade agreement between the Eurasian Economic Union and Iran is being considered.  Davoud Mirzakhani shared his experience of …

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Presentation of SinoClub

On September 27, SinoClub held the presentation of the Primakov Centre for Chinese students who have become first-year students at Samara University this year. The students have learned: What activities the Center carries out; What events have already been organized and held there; What linguistic and cultural clubs are functioning at the Center. Furthermore, it should be noted that our Chinese friends actively participate in events organized by the Regional Primakov Centre. They not only actively participate in language clubs` meetings but also try on the role of real diplomats, speaking at our annual Models (UN, SCO, and ASEAN)! Activists from …

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Meeting with members of the Regional Youth Association

On September 28, the Primakov Centre hosted a meeting of students with representatives of the Youth Council established under the Department of the Samara Region Government for Interaction with Federal Public Authorities. It represents the interests of youth associations of our region in Moscow and Moscow region, as well as other regions of the Russian Federation. Members of the Youth Council created an interregional non-profit organization – the Association of Regional Youth. The ARM structure includes ARM MEDIA, the Department of Grant Activities, the Department of Digital and Digitalization, the Youth Development Institute, the Board of Trustees and the Coordinating …

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September meeting in ISClub

On September 29, the first ISClub meeting dedicated to music this academic year took place. The meeting was held in the format of “Flat”. The guys performed and heard songs in different languages: Russian, English, Icelandic, Georgian, Turkish, Portuguese and French. Authors’ songs were also performed!Music really helps bring people together, it opens them up to each other and provides new opportunities to socialize, so the musical meeting helped us bond. The soulful atmosphere was complemented not only by conversations about the meaning of the lyrics, but also about the culture of different countries. We thank everyone who came and …

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September meeting of DerKlub

On September 28, a unique meeting of DerKlub – «Numbers around us» was held. Among us there were those who were just starting to learn German, and some were already singing along with all their might to den Zahlen-Rap: Zwaªªªnziiiig. We have mastered German counting (and now we know the difference between sechs and sechzig, eins and einundzwanzig, sieben and siebenundsiebzig), learned to get acquainted with numbers and even decipher number riddles (1″der” plus 1″Klub” ist gleich..?) The final stage of the meeting was “deutsches” Lotto! All the club guests remembered the rules of the board game, used the skills …

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September meeting of TurkishClub

On September 27, a meeting of the TurkishClub was held, it was dedicated to the history of music creation in Turkey! We studied the history of Turkish music, its genres and musical instruments, and also listened to Turkish rock, pop and classics. Many listeners have at least once heard the famous Turkish hits, but not everyone thought about the depth in every Turkish song… Therefore, we invite you to the next TurkishClub meetings to experience the culture of Turkey and learn more about it! Thanks to everyone who came and we look forward to seeing you again!

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September meeting of FranClub

On September 25, a meeting was held at FranClub with Stéphanie Dubosson, Master of Arts, teacher of history didactics and lecturer at the Higher School of Education of Lausanne. The meeting participants learned about the beautiful city of Lausanne, where the university where Madame Stéphanie teaches is located. À propos, in Lausanne there is the Ryumin Palace. The money for its construction was provided by Gabriel Ryumin, whose family moved to Switzerland from Russia in 1840. Therefore, we can say that this building has Russian roots. The students were happy to communicate with a native French speaker and learn about …

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“Groundhog Day”

On September 23, the first meeting of this academic year took place in EnglishClub! There participants became acquainted with the concepts of “Groundhog day” and “Rat pace”, and also discussed the peculiarities of their perception in the cultures of different countries. Below we share definitions for everyone who was missing. GROUNDHOG DAY – a situation in which the same usually monotonous experiences occur repeatedly or are felt to occur repeatedly with no change.RAT RACE – the unpleasant repetitive life of people who have jobs that require them to work very hard in order to compete with others for money, power, status, …

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