The winners of the “SamInter-2022” inter-university competition were named in Samara

Alina Barabina, a second-year student of the History Department of the Samara National Research University named after Sergey P. Korolev, won the contest. In her work she considered the prospects of international cooperation between the Samara region and the Indian state of Maharashtra.

“I have long been fascinated by eastern countries, I am interested in their culture and economy,” says the winner. – In my opinion, in the current international environment, cooperation with the Maharashtra region would be beneficial for our province. This can be facilitated by convenient logistics, a fairly high level of economic development and education in the Indian state”.

According to Alina Barabina, winning the competition was a powerful inspiring motivation for her further development.

One of the prize winners was Roman Senchev, a fourth-year student of the same university. His work is devoted to the prospects of cooperation and collaboration between our region and the Iranian province of Isfahan.

“This is a unique territory, similar in many ways to the Samara Region in terms of activities, – said the participant. – I have considered in detail the possibilities of cultural ties, interaction in the field of tourism, as well as in the industrial sphere, in particular, in the automotive industry. I believe that our relations in these sectors could be fruitful and mutually beneficial”.

The competition was held in the region for the second time and this year the organizers placed emphasis on economic aspects of international relations.

“Nowadays, foreign economic relations in the world are being seriously restructured, logistics chains and commodity flows are changing. Within the framework of the competition, students worked on the revealing of this topic, thought about new foreign markets for Russian goods and manufacturers. It is pleasant that the guys creatively approached the solution of these problems”, – said the head of the Department of Investment, Innovation Policy and Foreign Economic Relations of the regional Ministry of Economic Development Dmitry Abramov.

According to the expert, specialists in international relations are now in demand and it is important that Samara region is preparing them.

Vera Scherbacheva, Head of the Department of External Relations of the Samara Region Governor’s Administration, noted that this year the students chose the most relevant geography for the contest works for our region – India, Iran, Azerbaijan, Indonesia and number of other countries.

“The competition gives the guys an opportunity to prove themselves, show their potential and get an opportunity to undergo student internship in specialized structures, and later to get a job in their specialty, – said Shcherbacheva. – It is important for the region to increase human potential and the competition allows to do it successfully”.

Mikhail Leonov, Vice-Rector of Samara National Research University named after Sergey P. Korolev, emphasized that the competition is a kind of social lift for the participants.

“The guys have received recommendations for internships, they have high chances to find a decent job while still students or immediately after graduation, – said Leonov. – Our university works closely with the Primakov Centre, we feel the full support of the regional authorities and personally the Governor Dmitry I. Azarov. Our students really feel part of the process of training international specialists at the highest level.

Valery Fomichev, President of the Union “Samara Region Chamber of Commerce and Industry” congratulated and encouraged the participants.

“The more active, purposeful and persistent you are, the more prospects will open up before you. The doors of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry are always open to enterprising and interested people. I wish each of you to find your vocation and a worthy application of your knowledge and qualities”.

Dmitry Khilov, Chairman of the Samara regional branch of Business Russia and the Samara Region Exporters Club, noted that today the authorities and public organizations are making great efforts to educate new personnel in such an interesting field as foreign economic relations.

“You have a unique opportunity to intern in these specialized structures. And remember that you are a one-of-a-kind product, you will definitely be in demand,” Khilov said.

The contest participants received letters of appreciation from the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Ministry of Economic Development, the “Samara Region Exporters Club”, as well as symbolic prizes.

Text of the winner’s work

Source: SOVA.