On May 17th  the film «Farewell, Tarbagan Marmot» was released  at the Regional Centre for Development of Public Diplomacy and International Relations named after Yevgeniy M. Primakov in the framework of  the XXIX International Film Festival «Cinema for Children». 

The film immersed us in the amazing world of Tibetan Moska thorp. The boy Kunpei experiences maturing and faces with the temptation of misbehaving. The plot made all spectators think about true values of life: friendship, love, loyalty.

Representatives of  the People’s Republic of China were directly involved in making of the film: general director Ning Chenyu and co- director Yang Liuchang, who also attended the event.

Ning Chenyu pointed out that the characters of the film were not professional actors, but local village residents, who could most accurately reflect the identity of this place and life there. Also, it was mentioned that various difficulties were encountered during filming primarily due to the almost complete absence of civilization on the Tibetan Plateau. It complicated the task of the film crew, but at the same time it let to emphasize the all regional picturesque.

In conclusion, directors noted that if you want to come closer to Chinese culture and  get to know its features you can start with watching Chinese films because any film made in China is penetrated with culture.