Visit of MGIMO Rector Anatoliy Torkunov to Samara

On March 6-7, MGIMO rector, academician Anatoly V. Torkunov visited Samara. Anatoly Vasilyevich held a number of meetings with representatives of the business and academic community of the region, took part in debates.

During the visit, a cooperation agreement was signed between MGIMO and the Government of the Samara region. Anatoly V. Torkunov and the Governor of the Samara region Dmitry I. Azarov agreed to develop joint educational and scientific and research practices, jointly strengthen the traditions of Russian higher education. Special attention was paid to the development of cultural interaction.

Minister of Education and Science of the Samara region Victor A. Hakobyan and MGIMO Vice-rector for Legal, Administrative Affairs and Digital Transformation Sergey V. Shitkov. The parties stressed the timeliness of the agreement, discussed plans for educational and cultural cooperation in the near future.

Debates with the participation of Anatoly V. Torkunov on the topic “Education and science” were organized on the TV channel “Russia 1” and “Russia 24”. The rector presented his vision on the development of science and education.

Anatoly Vasilyevich held a number of meetings with the leadership of Samara State University named after Sergey P. Korolev. The rector met with the President of the University, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Victor A. Soyfer and got acquainted with the unique exposition of the Centre for the History of Aircraft Engines. Anatoly V. Torkunov held talks on further development of cooperation with the Rector of Samara University Vladimir D. Bogatyrev and visited the Regional centre for Development of Public Diplomacy and International Relations named after Yevgeniy M. Primakov.

Anatoly V. Torkunov gave a master class to the students of the university dedicated to topical issues of the modern international agenda. The students and the teaching staff of the University warmly thanked Anatoly Vasilyevich for his speech and showed keen interest in discussing issues of the modern world order.

During the visit, the Rector of MGIMO visited the Samara Regional Duma. Negotiations were held with the Chairman of the Duma, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Gennady P. Kotelnikov regarding scientific and educational cooperation, university networking and language training.

Источник: МГИМО МИД России.