The Samara Model of the African Union is the academic conference and role-play model in which participants simulate the work of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the African Union (hereinafter referred to as the Assembly of the African Union), gain diplomatic, leadership, oratory, language and compromise skills.
Participants act as authorized representatives of African Union member countries. Their main task is to examine and present the position of the country identified in the African Union Model on the agenda issue. The Model is organized and conducted in accordance with the principles set out in the Constitutive Act of the African Union of 2002.
The final aim of each simulated Assembly of the African Union is to prepare the joint final decision containing recommendations to address the issue at hand. This goal can only be achieved with the agreement of 2/3 of all participants represented at the given Assembly of the African Union in accordance with the principles of the organization.
Schoolchildren and students of higher educational institutions located in the Samara region are invited to participate in the Model of the African Union. A charge of positive emotions and new friends are guaranteed!
Curator of the Samara Interuniversity Model of the African Union: Shakurova Gulya

15 декабря 2023 г., с 10:00 до 15:30 в Центре развития публичной дипломатии и международных отношений имени Е.М. Примакова проходило заключительное мероприятие в рамках Недели Африки – Самарская Межвузовская Модель Ассамблеи Глав государств Африканского союза. Участие в ней приняли как студенты Самарского Университета, так и студенты других ВУЗов области, а также учащиеся старших классов школ Самарской области.