The internship of Samara international students in Arbatov U.S. and Canada Institute

From April 22 to 26, Ekaterina Sarycheva and Polina Nechetova, fourth-year students of Samara University in the field of International Relations, had an internship at Georgy Arbatov Institute for U.S. and Canada Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences.

During the internship, they had an opportunity to discuss the topics of their final qualifying works with the country’s best experts in the field of American studies, and also attended the International Conference “The USA and the Changing Balance of Power in the Asia-Pacific Region”, organized by Georgy Arbatov Institute for U.S. and Canada Studies in partnership with Institute of China and Contemporary Asia of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The Primakov Center and Institute for U.S. and Canada Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences are actively cooperating. Within the framework of the “V Week of Russian Diplomacy”, Deputy Director for Scientific Work ISKRAN Andrey Sergeevich Evseenko held an open lecture for students of Samara University on the topic “Current issues of US foreign policy”.

Ekaterina Sarycheva about the intership:

“The practice at Georgy Arbatov Institute for U.S. and Canada Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences was successful. We learned a lot about America’s foreign policy and its interaction with other countries in the Asia-Pacific region, talked to the country’s leading experts, who gave answers to all the questions we were interested in. It was a great experience and incredible support for us on the way to work on the Final Qualification Work!”

Polina Nechetova shared her impressions:

“For me it was a great opportunity to get feedback on what I am doing, to determine the direction of my work or adjust it. I really enjoyed the lecture by Alexei Sergeyevich Stepanov on US-China cooperation, as well as Andrey Sergeyevich Evseenko’s story about the work of the institute and opportunities for growth in the scientific field”

We would like to express my deep gratitude to the Primakov Center and the Rectorate of Samara University for the opportunity, as well as to the Deputy Director for Scientific Work of ISKRAN Andrey Sergeevich Evseenko, a researcher at the ISKRAN Center for Military and Political Studies Alexey Sergeevich Stepanov and a junior researcher Ksenia Barbashina for an excellent internship program!