On December 22, the final meeting of this year’s SinoClub at The Primakov Centre was held on the theme: “Chinese Fashion”

The participants of the meeting managed to learn a lot of interesting things about Chinese women’s and men’s street fashion thanks to our wonderful speakers – Anastasia Maslova (student of Nottingham University in Ningbo, China) and Luo Cheng (student of Samara National Research University named after Academician Sergey P. Korolev).

Chinese street fashion is a reflection of modern Chinese people’s self-expression. We discussed various aspects of it, including its historical context, the transition from social status to self-expression, logomania and the search for individual style. And also enjoyed the works of famous Chinese fashion designers such as: Vera Wang, Masha Ma, Xander Zhou, Yang Li

In addition, we paid special attention to Chinese men’s fashion. Men’s fashion trends in China are becoming more and more diverse, with an increasing emphasis on individuality and taste. Attendees were able to learn about innovative interpretations of traditional cultural elements and fusion with Western fashions.

At the end there was a master class on weaving a Chinese good luck knot, where each participant could take with him his talisman of luck. This knot was traditionally used to attract good luck and protection from unfavorable events in China, in addition, the Chinese believed that the knot of luck helps to attract wealth and prosperity in the life of its owner.

But we completely forgot to mention! After all, the participants of the SinoClub meeting were also waiting for a small surprise, namely delicious sweets for pleasant conversations

Now we tell you 再见,亲爱的朋友们。明年再见!