Samara international students visit the UN Information Center in Moscow

On April 23, students from Samara University majoring in International Relations visited the UN Information Centre in Moscow together with a delegation of students from Volgograd State University

This opportunity has opened up for future specialists in the field of international relations due to the support of the Regional Centre for the Development of Public Diplomacy and International Relations named after Yevgeniy M. Primakov. 

Marina Nikolaevna Shirshova, the head of the library at the UN Information Centre in Moscow, talked about the work of the United Nations and the oldest institution in the UN system in Moscow.

Did you know that:

  • the UN Charter was signed on June 26, 1945 in San Francisco
  • UN Day is celebrated on October 24, since the UN Charter entered into force on this date in 1945
  • currently 193 states are part of the organization 
  • there are 6 official UN languages: English, Arabic, Spanish, Chinese, Russian and French
  • there are 6 main UN bodies: the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, the Trusteeship Council, the International Court and the UN Secretariat
  • there are 15 members in the Security Council, 10 of which are non-permanent (elected for a two-year term), 5 are permanent (Great Britain, China, Russia, the USA and France). Only permanent members of the security council have the right of veto
  • the UN Secretary-general is elected for five years, but the term of office can be extended for another five years
  • at the moment the UN Secretary-general is Antonio Guterres (ninth UN Secretary-general)
  • in 1948 the UN information center in Moscow began to work
  • there are 59 UN information centers in the world

At the end of the event a quiz was held, and the winner was Gunel Alieva (third-year student of the International Relations Department of Samara University)