Road to Success


“Road to Success” is an educational project that takes place in a mixed format: online and offline. It includes lectures, seminars, master-classes, trainings and other educational events designed for a wide audience, as “roundtable discussion” with participation of Russian and foreign experts in the field of international relations, media communications, sociological and political science research, intercultural communication, etc.

In the course of events students, as future specialists in international relations, have a unique opportunity to communicate on topical issues with representatives of the expert community in order to clear up all details of professional work.

Russian and foreign diplomats, scientists, journalists, experts from leading foreign and Russian universities take part in the project’s events.

In 2021, top experts of the media group “Russia Today” and “The Council of Young Diplomats of the MFA of Russia” were project participants. The trainings were held for 2 months as part of the educational project of the media group “SputnikPro”. The main topics of the master-classes covered new international media trends in the fields of science and technology, new approaches in the field of video and design, promotion of personal brand in social networks, as well as progressive PR-technologies and tools used by modern young scientists and diplomats to promote Russian interest in the world.

In 2022, the head of the Department of External Relations under the Administration of the Samara region’s Governor  Ms. V.Shcherbacheva was the participant of our project. Moreover, our project was attended by honorary citizens of the Samara region: Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), President of Samara University Mr. V.Soyfer; Governor of the Samara Region (1991-2007) Mr. K.Titov; Professor Mr. P.Kabytov. Furthermore, director, actor and head of the “First Channel” documentary films’ department Mr. A.Tyapov and the general constructor of ODK PJSC “Kuznetsov” Mr. P.Chupin told us about specifics of their work.

In addition to it, the academic dean of the Higher School of Hotel and Tourism Management Cesar Ritz College (Lucerne, Switzerland), that is the best hotel school in the world, Mr. R. Max Behesht took part in the project with the educational training “How to create your own brand”. Mr. R. Max Behesht explained what self-branding is, what it means to be a brand person, who needs it and why. He described the technique of creating your own brand and gave practical recommendations on image formation.

Dear colleagues, university students of the Samara region and all those interested in topical issues of international relations are invited to participate in this project.

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3 марта 2022 года Региональный центр развития публичной дипломатии и международных отношений имени Е.М. Примакова открыл новый проект “Дорога к успеху”. Первым гостем проекта стал академический декан одной из лучших…