On April 14, 2023, the 5th day of the “IV Week of Russian Diplomacy” ended.

As part of our educational project, a meeting of the section “World Politics and the History of Diplomacy” of the XLIX Samara Regional Student Scientific Conference was held.

The participants of the conference in their works touched upon quite interesting and informative topics:

  • Questions of Russia’s foreign policy;
  • Activity of inventors;
  • Modern spheres of development of bilateral relations;
  • Experience in the implementation of the industrial revolution

Based on the results of the discussions, it was decided to award the winners of the section meeting as follows:

1st placeTolstikova Anastasia (Samara University) – “Cooperation between Russia and ASEAN in the field of energy: potential and mutual interests.”

2nd placeAlisa Brachunova (Samara University) – “Russia and China in the Balkans: partnership or competition?”.

3rd place Yegor Muralev (SGSPU) – “Diplomatic relations of France and Great Britain with Turkey in 1919-1923.”

Congratulations to the winners!

We wish you success in your scientific and educational activities.

In the second part of the “IV Week of Russian Diplomacy” program, a lecture “Language and Culture of Modern China” was held, which is also part of the project “Volga and Yangtze – two great rivers”, implemented by the E.M. Primakov together with the Samara Wushu Federation with the support of the Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives.

Teachers of the Samara University, Doctor of Philology, prof. Elchin A. Gashimov and Ph.D., prof. Margarita I. Varakina told the SinoClub participants what is the uniqueness and significance of the current Chinese society. The experts shared with the students how the Chinese managed to find the optimal ratio of cultural traditions and innovations, their own and others.

On this we don’t say goodbye, but say see you next year!

Photo: Dariya Yurlova