We are happy to announce that on May 16, 2023 the I Samara Interuniversity ASEAN Model was held at the Primakov Centre, co-organized with the ASEAN Centre of MGIMO MFA of Russia.

The ASEAN model is a new event not only for Samara University, but also for the whole Russia. After all, it has no analogues in our country and was held for the first time.

At the opening ceremony Vice-Rector of Samara University Victoria V. Bolgova addressed the participants of the Model with greetings. She emphasized that these events allows to improve the competence of international students in their specialized field. No doubt, the ability of our diplomats to work in different regions of the world is admirable, but it is no less important that the skills necessary for work they gain as students, taking part in various educational and research projects, which was emphasized by the Director of the ASEAN Center of MGIMO MFA of Russia, PhD in Political Science Ekaterina V. Koldunova.

Modern Southeast Asia is a fascinating region where completely incompatible cultural traditions come together. However, this doesn’t prevent a sense of regional unity in the ASEAN countries, which are not only willing to pursue an independent foreign policy, but are actively doing so.

In this spirit the first committee of our Model ASEAN, the ASEAN Summit, was held in English as the working language. During the ASEAN Summit, ASEAN delegations were tasked with releasing a final statement on post-pandemic recovery and emergency response as part of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Later, the East Asia Summit was held in Russian, where delegations from Australia, China, India, Japan and New Zealand, South Korea, the Russian Federation and the United States engaged in a heated discussion.

The game was attended by representatives of 5 universities and several schools from all over the Samara region. Within the framework of the Model, participants were able to try on the role of a delegate representing the interests of a chosen country in order to come to a general final statement through discussions.

The game was attended by representatives of 5 universities and several schools from all over the Samara region. Within the framework of the Model, participants were able to try on the role of a delegate representing the interests of a selected country in order to come to a common final statement through discussions.

At the official closing of the ASEAN Model, Vice-Rector for Educational Work and Youth Policy of Samara University Mikhail M. Leonov emphasized the need for further development of the model movement at the university to improve the competence of students in the field of international relations and wished success to all participants.

At the end of the meeting, the best delegates of the ASEAN Summit and the Model ASEAN East Asia Summit were awarded:

  • Andrey Chistyakov (Samara University);
  • Angelika Vasilieva (Samara University);
  • Ekaterina Vasilyeva (Samara University);
  • Alexey Lobanov (Samara State Technical University);
  • Ivan Sivkov (Samara University).

Chairman of the Samara Interuniversity ASEAN Model, expert of the ASEAN Center of MGIMO MFA of Russia, PhD in history Nikita S. Kuklin thanked the Primakov Centre for hospitality and noted:

“It’s a great diplomatic game that trains all participants, both high school and college students, teaching them the skills of diplomacy, negotiating, presenting a position on behalf of their state, developing a position, developing diplomatic documents, but most importantly, presenting a position in different languages, including a foreign language, which is the basic skill of a diplomat who represents his country.”

We thank all participants of the Samara Interuniversity ASEAN Model for their active participation in the event and wish them to realize in the future no less interesting creative projects! We also invite you to the Samara Interuniversity ASEAN Model next year!

Final Statements:

Photo: Dariya Yurlova