F. Mukhametshin visits Samara University and learns about promising research developments

The Senator greeted the participants of the Samara Interuniversity Olympiad in Diplomatic Protocol and Etiquette, visited the Center for Space Information Processing, and held working meetings with the University’s rector and heads of research departments.

Farit Mukhametshin, Deputy Chair of the Committee of the Federation Council on International Affairs and representative from the executive branch of the Samara Region, visited the Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev during the regional week in the Samara region.

Farit Mukhametshin greeted the participants of the Samara Interuniversity Olympiad in Diplomatic Protocol and Etiquette “SamDip-2024,” organized by the Primakov Center. The Senator donated a book from his library to the Center’s collection – a classic reference book representing a code of diplomatic courtesy with all the rules, conventions, and attributes of international etiquette and diplomatic protocol. Farit Mukhametshin emphasized the importance of conducting such applied events to enhance students’ knowledge and skills in history and modern diplomacy.

In his speech to the Olympiad participants, the parliamentarian noted, “Despite radical changes in the content of world diplomacy, the forms, methods, and tools of diplomatic work remain stable. Among them, one of the most important elements is protocol that brings discipline and organization into international relations.”

During his visit to the Space Information Processing Center, Farit Mukhametshin talked with the employees of the Department of Space Engineering named after D.I. Kozlov, familiarized himself with the process of creating a university grouping of two small satellites of the “AIST” first series. Andrei Kramlikh, an associate professor at the interuniversity Department of Space Research, who oversees the work of the International Space School, explained the procedure for exchanging information with satellites. He highlighted the substantial interest in the school both in Russia and abroad, with a competition for participation in face-to-face classes reaching 10 applicants per spot. He also drew the parliamentarian’s attention to the fundamental difference from other Russian universities at Samara University named after Korolev, which has a full set of competencies for the development, manufacturing, and testing of CubeSats. The primary contribution to their creation comes from graduate students and young candidates of science.

Rector of Samara University named after Korolev, Vladimir Bogatyrev, pointed out that CubeSats ranging from 3U to 16U are currently in the focus of attention of private Russian space companies. The development and testing of self-designed CubeSats, as well as their integration into the educational process, allow Samara University to graduate specialists with accumulated practical skills that are in demand in private space companies.

Farit Mukhametshin emphasized the importance of the developments at Samara University named after Korolev and outlined a series of measures to support promising projects.

Источник: СФ РФ.