F. Mukhametshin took part in the celebrations for Knowledge Day in Samara

The Senator visited Samara Gymnasium № 3, as well as Samara National University named after S.P.Korolev. He congratulated pupils and students on the new academic year, spoke about his professional and life experience, chatted with young people in an informal setting and gave important messages for the future.

Farit Mukhametshin, Deputy Chairman of the SF Committee on International Affairs and representative of the executive state body of the Samara Region, took part in festive events in Samara to mark Knowledge Day.

Farit Mukhametshin started the day by attending a ceremonial line-up at Samara Gymnasium № 3, which is a member of UNESCO Associated Schools and the absolute winner of the All-Russian competition “Successful School – 2018”. The senator was met by Svetlana Ilyina, Director of the Gymnasium, Chairman of the Samara Gubernaya Duma Committee on Education and Science, Chairman of the Teacher of the Year All-Russian Public Organisation of Education Leaders, Honorary Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation.

After the official part, the senator held an open lesson for 10th grade students, where he shared his professional and life experience. The schoolchildren paid special attention to the senator’s years of diplomatic service and his foreign experience as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Russia. Farit Mukhametshin shared his professional knowledge of diplomacy and useful advice on planning a career path in public service, quoting the words of the President of Russia that “Serving the Fatherland is a special happiness and honour”. Farit Mukhametshin also revealed the peculiarities of the internal structure and specifics of the work of the Federation Council Committee on International Affairs. This topic was especially relevant for the students due to the international profile of their institution.

Answering to the questions of the gymnasium students, the senator also recalled his school years and, based on his own experience, advised that in addition to studying, he should pay sufficient attention to developing his creative potential, broadening his horizons, communicating with friends and establishing friendly contacts, which the children will carry through the years.

In the afternoon, the senator visited the Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev. At the meeting with students of the Social and Humanitarian Institute, where, among others, international specialists study, he congratulated all those present on the Day of Knowledge and wished them great success in their studies, research and creative activities.

Farit Mukhametshin spoke separately about the work of the Primakov Centre and the UN Hall established at Samara University. Both projects are unique in their own way, as they offer students access to the most relevant research in the field of international relations and public diplomacy, help to hold specialised conferences, seminars and round tables, as well as exchange knowledge and opinions on the most important issues on the international agenda. The Senator held a separate meeting with the Primakov Centre’s management and staff to discuss its work plans for the academic year and further development prospects. During the meeting, ideas were expressed that will be used in future work.

Source: Federation Council of the Russian Federation.