Director of the RAS Archive A.V. Rabotkevich and Head of the acquisition department O.V. Selivanova took part in the opening of the exhibition ‘Development of Rocket Engineering in Russia’

Director of the RAS Archive A.V. Rabotkevich and Head of the acquisition department O.V. Selivanova took part in the opening of the exhibition “Development of rocket engineering in Russia” in Samara University named after Academician S.P. Korolev. The exhibition is dedicated to the outstanding designer, whose name the university bears.

Welcoming speeches were made by the university vice-rectors M.M. Leonov and V.V. Bolgova, federal inspector of the university. Bolgova, Federal Inspector for the Samara region M.V. Yuryev, Deputy Minister of Industry of the Samara region D.R. Gurkov, Director of the Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences A.V. Rabotkevich and Director of the Central State Archive of the Samara region N.M. Malkova. The speakers noted the importance of preserving the memory of space pioneers, first of all, for new generations of young specialists.

The Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences presented at the exhibition a wide range of unique archival materials: from documents about childhood, youth and years of Sergey Pavlovich’s work in GIRD/RNII to calculations, scientific papers and photos with cosmonauts. Of particular interest were the certificate of the title of a soaring pilot, the 1944 Pe-2 special unit frame test programme and S.P. Korolev’s letter to his mother.

O.V. Selivanova, who prepared the documents for the exhibit with the Primakov Centre for the Development of Public Diplomacy and International Relations. E.M. Primakov Centre for the Development of Public Diplomacy and International Relations, conducted a tour of the exhibition. She spoke about Sergei Pavlovich’s complicated biography and the difficulties he had to overcome on the way to his dream of conquering space.

In continuation of the rocket building theme, the exhibition presents documents of the leading aerospace enterprises – RSC Progress JSC and ODK-Kuznetsov PJSC.

Source: Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences.