On 16th May the Spanish-language literature Day passed in the IberAClub of the Regional Centre for Development of Public Diplomacy and International Relations named after Yevgeniy M. Primakov.

The event started with the speech of the head of the Hispano Centre in Samara Jairo Verdugo. Speaker told about the life and creativity of Miguel de Cervantes, who is the author of the most famous novel «The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha». 

The evening continued with a speech of Samara University’ s teacher Alonso Aguilar. He immersed  participants in the rich world of Spanish-language literature.

Interesting Fact: Miguel de Cervantes was not only a novelist, but also a poet.

Students of Samara University Fidel Sangines and Alina Mironova read  the author’s poems in Spanish. The audience could appreciate Cervantes’s literature talent to the full.

The evening ended up with the entertaining quiz, in which participants checked their knowledge of Spanish-language literature. Fidel Sangines became a winner.

After the quiz, women-participants got roses due to the great Catalonian tradition. Men-participants got colorful cards.

We thank the speakers and hope for future cooperation! Wait for  all willing people on following meetings of the IberAClub!