The Primakov Centre took part in a teleconference of the Center for Public Diplomacy of the Volgograd State University on the topic “Day of a diplomatic worker in the Russian Federation”.
The conference discussed the specifics of building a diplomatic service in Russia. This is especially important now in the period of updating the international situation.
The rector of the Volgograd State University, Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor Alla Eduardovna Kalinina made welcoming remarks to the participants of the conference. Dmitry Vadimovich Belov, Deputy Director of the Latin American Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Envoy Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation, spoke about the importance of the Latin American region from the point of view of the national interests of the Russian Federation. He noted:
“Latin America is a valuable and important region in Russia’s foreign policy.”
A career as a diplomat can provide not only unique opportunities for traveling, exploring different cultures and participating in solving important global problems, but also force them to face a new level of problems that they will have to solve not as an individual, but as a representative of the state. Ekaterina Mkhitarovna Hakobyan, the third secretary of the Information and Press Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, told about this and more. She is also a graduate of the Volgograd State University.
In order to become a successful diplomat, it is necessary to have high communication skills, negotiation skills and a fine understanding of the cultural characteristics of different countries.
Students and schoolchildren were able to ask all their questions about the working of diplomatic staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia!