Meeting of sociology students with the director of the Center for Humanitarian Technologies and Research “Social Mechanics”

On December 19, 2024, the Primakov Center hosted a meeting of students of sociology with Mikhail Churakov, Director of the Center for Humanitarian Technologies and Research “Social Mechanics”. The event was organized jointly with the Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Sociology. During the meeting, Mikhail spoke about the work of the Social Mechanics Center, conducted research and projects, answered students’ questions about the profession of a sociologist and opportunities for young professionals to realize themselves. Don’t miss the chance to gain valuable knowledge and expand your professional horizons!

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Meeting of students with the director of the advertising and publishing holding “Absolut”

The Primakov Center hosted a meeting of students with Mikhail Rastorgin, director of the Absolut advertising and publishing holding and permanent producer of The Night of the Advertising Eaters in Samara. The event was organized jointly with the Department of Russian Language and Mass Communication. The head of the Department of Russian Language and Mass Communications, Doctor of Philology, Professor Nadezhda Alekseevna Ilyukhina, addressed the participants of the event with welcoming words. The event was hosted by Angelina Paramoshkina, a student of the Faculty of Philology and Journalism. During the meeting, Mikhail answered all the students’ questions about the specifics …

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Дорога к успеху: Образовательный тренинг Макса Бехешта

3 марта 2022 года Региональный центр развития публичной дипломатии и международных отношений имени Е.М. Примакова открыл новый проект “Дорога к успеху”. Первым гостем проекта стал академический декан одной из лучших отельных школ мира Высшей школы отельного и туристического менеджмента Cesar Ritz College (Люцерн, Швейцария) Макс Бехешт с образовательным тренингом “How to create your own brand.” В тренинге приняли участие более 40 студентов-международников и филологов, которые узнали, что объединяет Илона Маска и Стива Джобса, как достигать амбициозных целей, реализовывать перспективные проекты и менять мир к лучшему. Макс Бехешт рассказал, что такое self-branding, что значит быть человеком-брендом, кому и зачем это нужно, …

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