Primakov Centre at VolgaFest 2023

Everything starts with love! On June 16 the Primakov Centre became a participant of Volgafest 2023 together with our SinoClub, TurkishClub and DerKlub. Let’s talk about everything in order! At 16.00 there was a SinoClub master class, where the participants learned the secrets of writing Chinese names, especially how to read and spell them correctly. SinoClub speakers told the audience that the Chinese language is based on characters, which are in turn made up of keys, keys are made up of features, and features are made up of lines. Finally, as the theme of VolgaFest was love, the citizens of …

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Turkey-Russia: prospects for cooperation

On June 10, Vitaly Roschupkin, the head of the Regional Centre of Public Diplomacy and International Relations named after Evgeniy M. Primakov, and Daria Gul, the director of the Turkish language centre “TAMAM”, a teacher of TurkishClub at Samara University in International Relations department, organized a meeting with Ivan Starodubtsev, a Turkicologist, analyst, expert on Turkey, consultant of the Middle East Institute, with the 2nd year students of Samara University in International Relations. Ivan Igorevich told the students about his path in the field of international relations, what you need to know while doing business with Turks, about the main …

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May meeting at DerKlub

Here was the last DerKlub meeting of this academic year, dedicated to the works of R.M. Rilke … We didn’t expect so many of us, but were very happy about it! A great lecture about Rilke’s poetry, his unique creative method and the project “Rilke’s Society” was given by Inna Yamshchikova, Head of the Project Technologies Department of the MBUK Samara “SMIBS”. We learned about what Dinggedicht is and what “Rilke’s last poet” means. But the biggest discovery for all the guests of the club was that not only translators can translate With the scientific supervisor of “DerKlub” Y.V. Nesteryuk …

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May meeting of ISClub

On May 31, the final ISClub meeting of this academic year was held. The children presented dances of different nations, namely: Spanish and Turkish dances. We had a picnic in nature and tried to replay Spanish national dances, as well as the national Turkish dance that is usually performed at celebrations! They also discussed common elements of dances of different nations. For example, Eastern countries are characterized by the use of circular movement of hands during the dance. But our meeting didn’t end there, and we started singing songs and even trying to communicate in different languages with native speakers. …

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Turkish Chessboard: election implications

On May 31, at the joint meeting of Turkish Club and Unitis Discussion Group, we discussed a hot topic – the consequences of the elections in Turkey. Our students prepared useful materials, talked about each candidate and presented the second part of their own Russian-Turkish movie! The electoral system in Turkey is quite complex and multi-tiered! All elections in Turkey are held under a proportional mixed election system: This means that electoral votes are divided between political parties and candidates standing in single-mandate circles and in a multi-mandate bloc. We suggest you familiarize yourself with Turkish vocabulary on the current …

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Майское заседание в EnglishClub

Good afternoon, dear friends! 30 мая состоялась последняя в этом учебном году встреча нашего клуба. На ней участники поделились своими планами на лето, обсудили особенности отдыха в Самарской области, узнали о том, как лето влияет на нас, а также составили checklist “TO DO THIS SUMMER”. Присоединяйтесь к нам, и осенью мы обязательно подъедем итоги! USEFUL VOCABULARY 1. Affordable destinations – Places within a reasonable price range2. Affordable travel – Travel which is within your price range3. Around the world – In all corners of the globe4. Arts and culture – The art, music and other cultural aspects of an area5. Craft …

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“Inclusion Without Exclusion” Forum

On May 30 at Samara University, in the framework of the II International Modular Scientific and Practical Conference “Inclusion for All 2023”, the Forum “Inclusion without Exclusion” was held, at which, in the dialogue format, the issue of multidimensional inclusion was revealed. The Primakov Centre gathered in its cozy halls representatives of different spheres: education, health, social, culture, NGOs, for a constructive dialogue. Participants of the conference, who couldn’t attend the event in person, were able to join the livestream. Speakers of the Forum are the pride of the event organizers! Each of them is unique and charismatic! We thank …

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29.05. Meeting of the Club of Samara Region Honorable Citizens

On May 29, 2023 the Primakov Centre hosted a meeting of the Club of Samara Region Honorary Citizens with the students of Samara University within the framework of the project “Striving for the Future. Dialogue of Generations”. During the event, a viewing of the documentary “Peaceful” was organized, which tells how Mariupol turned into a zone of fear, constant shelling and expectation of trouble. One of the characters of the movie – Misha – came to Mariupol from Kaluga to find his fiancée, who couldn’t leave the city. But suddenly he learns that her parents’ house has been destroyed, the …

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Feng-Shui at SinoClub

SinoClub hosted a lecture which was dedicated to 风水 (fēngshuǐ). This event is part of the project “Volga and Yangtze – Two Great Rivers” implemented by the Primakov Centre together with the Samara Wushu Federation with the support of the Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives. If we translate the word “Feng Shui” literally, 风 is wind, 水 is water. Wind is Yang, the creative and active beginning, and water is Yin, the passive and following Yang beginning. To understand what is the power of Yang, it is enough to take the Russian phrase “Wind of Change” as an example. When …

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26 мая в Центре имени Е.М. Примакова состоялось первое мероприятие студенческого научного общества Исторического факультета — исторический «PowerPointParty»! Участие в «конференции» приняли пятеро докладчиков, каждый из которых поделился со слушателями своим мнением по вопросам исторической науки, которые их больше всего волнуют. Все доклады были сделаны с юмором и со вкусом! Однако во время голосования за лучшее выступление мнения зрителей разделились, и победу одержали двое участников — Комин Леонид с темой «Гендерная история в современной исторической науке» и Константин Дунавецкий с докладом «Мифы о гражданской войне в США». Победители остались довольны и были награждены приятными подарками! Друзья, мы искренне надеемся на …

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