Meeting of Samara University students with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Argentine Republic

On September 22, 2023, a meeting was held between Samara University students and the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Argentine Republic, Mr. Eduardo Antonio Zuain, at the Central City Library named after. N.K. Krupskaya. This meeting was organized by the Regional Center for the Development of Public Diplomacy and International Relations named after E.M. Primakov and the Department of External Relations of the Administration of the Governor of the Samara Region. During the meeting, issues of cooperation between Argentina and Russia, both in general at the state level, and with the Samara region in particular, were discussed. We were …

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“Hello, China!”

下午好,中国文化和语言的爱好者 On September 20, the first SinoClub meeting of this academic year took place at the Primakov Centre. The topic of the meeting was getting to know China. SinoClub participants learned many interesting facts about China, famous Chinese attractions and cuisine Did you know that: China ranks third in terms of area, and at the same time it has one time zone; The most common surname in China and the world is the same surname – 李 (lǐ) Li; In China, you can show the numbers 1 to 10 with one hand; Loud slurping is allowed at the dinner table; …

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XVI International Film Festival “Salt of the Earth”

September 20, as a part of the International Film Festival “Salt of the Earth”, a creative meeting was held with the chairman of the jury, Doctor of Art History, professor at VGIK, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, member of the Union of Cinematographers of the Russian Federation – Galina S. Prozhiko. The meeting was a real privilege for students of the humanitarian faculties of Samara National Research University. During the meeting, students were shown the documentary “Wonderful World”, created by director Ivan Vlasov. This film opened up the amazing world of art and showed how much films …

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A master class in debate leadership!

Your position is wrong! The Unitis hosted a master class by political scientist Stanislav Davydov “Conducting debates.” He shared his experience and taught students how to defend their position and make the right arguments. When participating in debates, you need to: provide evidence, not your personal opinion; take into account the audience’s attention span; do not use a lot of complex statistics that are difficult to perceive by ear. The meeting participants learned: about rhetorical techniques that can be useful in a speech: about the three pillars of rhetoric; about the 5 C rule; about the “Thesis-Antithesis-Synthesis” method in argumentation …

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Physics Day

On September 17, 2023, a large-scale educational event took place at Samara University – the first All-Russian Physics Day, which was attended by about 200 students in grades 9-11 from schools in Samara and the Samara region, along with parents and teachers. All-Russian Physics Day brought together 18 cities and 25 leading universities across the country. The event was dedicated to the birthday of the outstanding Russian scientist Konstantin E. Tsiolkovsky. During the event, you could test your knowledge of physics at the first All-Russian Physical Dictation. Anyone could participate in the Physical Dictation. Based on the results of the …

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How can we make the world better, kinder and more humane place?

On 5 September, the International Day of Charity, a all-Russian launch of the “Service Learning” educational programme took place at Samara University. Samara University was among the hundred national universities that this year are introducing a new federal programme “Service Learning” into the educational process. It combines the study of academic disciplines with the formation of skills for socially useful work. The project combines theoretical training and practical socially significant activities into a single educational process, allowing each student to gain professional experience in implementing community projects. “The university today is a point of concentration of all existing opportunities of …

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“Extraordinary” Samara

On 1 September, the Primakov Centre hosted the presentation of the film tour “Extraordinary” Samara. As part of the event, journalism students were able to talk to the film’s creators and ask all the questions they were interested in. The duration of the film is only 18 minutes. However, even in such a short period of time it turns the viewer’s perception of Samara 180 degrees. During the film, the viewer is accompanied by the voices of the city’s residents, who tell their stories related to Samara’s places. The film is called “Extraordinary”, because we wanted to overturn the perception …

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Farit Muhametshin visited the Primakov Centre

On September 1, Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on International Affairs Farit M. Mukhametshin visited the Primakov Centre. Thanks to his initiative together with the President of Samara University Victor A. Soifer our Centre was established. In the UN Hall Farit Mukhametshin met with students who are actively involved in the work of the Primakov Centre. The students shared their experience of events organization and attended internships. They also discussed the development prospects of the Primakov Centre and plans for the new academic year. The students shared their thoughts on how to make the Centre’s work better. «It …

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Open Day at the Primakov Centre

There they are! Our first-year students! On August 30, the first meeting of first-year students of the Social and Humanitarian Institute of Samara University took place. Our ambassadors made a real journey through the faculties, where they told the newly graduated students more about the work of the Primakov Centre. They were happy to see the interested faces of future philologists and journalists, historians, sociologists and internationalists. As part of the History Department meeting, the first-year students were addressed with welcoming words and necessary information within the walls of the Primakov Centre: Vice-Rector for Educational Work and Youth Policy M.M. …

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National Research Conference “Mathematics and Math Modeling”

From August 28 to 30, the Primakov Centre hosted the National Research Conference “Mathematics and Math Modeling”, which included sections on fundamental mathematics and applications, on math modeling and problems of mathematics education. The event provided for both face-to-face and online participation. On the first day, a number of plenary lectures were presented: One of the leading experts in the theory of integer and (pluri) subharmonic functions, Bulat N. Habibullin; Leading Researcher of the Laboratory of Mathematical Analysis of the St. Petersburg Branch of the V.A. Steklov Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladimir V. Kapustin; Leading researcher …

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