The Tehran Conference of 1943: results and significance

On December 4, 2023, the Primakov Centre hosted the quiz “The Tehran Conference of 1943: Results and Significance”, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Tehran Conference. The quiz was organized by the Primakov Centre and State Budget Educational Establishment UNESCO Associated School Gymnasium № 11 (Base School of the Russian Academy of Science). 80 years ago, a meeting of the leaders of the “Big Three”: Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt took place in Tehran. Having overcome serious ideological contradictions, they sat down for the first time at the common negotiating table, where they discussed the opening of the second front …

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On November 30, a meeting of students from the Mechanics and Mathematics Faculty specializing in “Information Security” took place at the Primakov Center with representatives from R-Vision (Moscow). R-Vision is a developer of cybersecurity systems. Since 2011, the company has been creating technologies that help organizations worldwide confidently combat current cyber threats and ensure reliable management of information security. During the meeting, the students learned in detail about the company, the competencies required for employment at R-Vision, and how to become a professional in the field of IT. We thank the employees of R-Vision for the engaging immersion of the …

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Argentina: election results and prospects of political turbulence

On November 30, the Primakov Center participated in a round table discussion on the topic “Argentina: Election Results and Prospects of Political Turbulence,” organized by the Institute of Latin America of the Russian Academy of Sciences. On November 19, global media reported the victory of right-wing populist-libertarian Javier Milei in the Argentine presidential election. Immediately after his victory, Milei emphasized the need for the country to follow a completely new path, distant from integrations, as reflected in the withdrawal of the application for membership in BRICS, which the country had initially planned to join in 2024. Additionally, the President of …

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Dumpling Day

On November 29, an international cafe took place on the board of the plane “the Primakov Centre”, which brought together participants from the three clubs: ISClub, SinoClub, and IberAClub! Polina Nechetova became the host of our amazing gastronomic tour. Initially, we ventured to China under the guidance of a representative from SinoClub – Gunel Alieva. Our guides to the world of China were Jiang Ishan and Jin Yujin. The girls not only talked about the traditional Chinese dish but also cooked it – Tangyuan (团圆). These are rice balls made with black sesame seeds, lard, and a small amount of …

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“Mystery is always attractive” On November 23, FranClub organized a real movie theater with watching the movie “Amelie”. “Amelie” is a beautiful embodiment of the concept of the “French style” in the broadest sense. It seems like everything is easy and simple, but it captivates and does not let go. When you try to understand your impressions, it suddenly becomes apparent that ease is a result of immense skill, and simplicity is merely illusory.  Have you known that:          🔹 the number of girls named Amelie sharply increased after the release of the movie; 🔹 guides take tourists to the places …

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Geography dictation – 2023

On November 19, 2023, the annual international event of the Russian Geographical Society “Geographical Dictation – 2023” took place at the Primakov Centre, and students of Samara University participated in it. The latter ones answered some questions about the Russian geography, which included both well-known facts and tasks that required creative thinking, logic, and erudition. The dictation has already been held for nine years, and during this time more than 3 million people have taken part in it. This large-scale international educational initiative has reached every continent on the globe, including Antarctica. Even cosmonauts who are currently in the near-earth …

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On the 18 November, a new meeting within the Discussion Club was held at the Unitis club! During the session, we were introduced to the English tradition of debating, and also learned how to develop skills in rhetoric, argumentation and public speaking! The speaker was Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of English Philology Tatyana A. Guralnik. Tatyana A. Guralnik reviewed the basic principles of debate and spoke about the specific rules and structure adopted in the English-speaking environment. She also shared information about the key roles and responsibilities of contestants, judges, and the audience during a …

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XXI National Youth Conference Samara Competition-conference of scientific papers on optics, laser physics and plasma physics, dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences

On the 14-18 November, 2023 on the basis of the Samara branch of the Lebedev Physical Institute and the Samara National Research University named after Academician Sergey P. Korolev hosted the XXI All-Russian Samara Youth Competition-Conference of Scientific Works on Optics, Laser Physics and Lattice Physics, dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The scientific event was held in a hybrid: precision-remote format. Young researchers from Samara, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Irkutsk, Kazan, Krasnoyarsk, Saratov, Sarov, Troitsk, Utevka (Samara region), Ufa, and Chelyabinsk took part in the conference. Young scientists from Astrakhan, Vladivostok, Dolgoprudny, Izhevsk, Mozyr (Belarus), …

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“Open laboratory” at Samara University

On the 11 November, 2023 at The Regional Centre for the Developmont of Public Diplomacy and International Relations named after Yevgeniy M. Primakov hosted the “Open Laboratory” — an educational event to test scientific literacy. The theme of the site was “Space”: “Head of Lab” (presenter): Ruslan Pikalov, head of the laboratory of the Department of Theoretical Mechanics of the Institute of Aviation, Rocket and Space Technology, member of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of Samara University. Participants had to answer dozens of entertaining questions and assignments, which helped test their natural science picture of the world. The …

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On November 9, DerKlub meeting was held, which was attended by teachers and students of MBOU Gymnasium №1 with advanced study of German language (Nizhny Novgorod), who arrived in Samara in order to implement a joint project with MBOU Gymnasium №4 (Samara) “Deutsche Spuren in den Wolgastädten”. All guests discovered a unique method of decision-making “WRAP”, recognized the main invisible “enemies” that make us doubt when making decisions, and shared their life goals that involved difficult internal choices. They also… ▪ discussed how we can expand our choices, ▪ how to put your plan into real realitätsprüfung, ▪ how to …

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