
Bonsoir, les amis! Did you know that February 14th is the birthday of the French language? In honor of the birthday boy, a wonderful meeting was held at the FranClub, during which we learned why French is the most passionate and emotional language in which many works about love are written. Our friends from Alliance Francaise Samara became the speakers of the meeting! Thanks to Leo Morot and Oksana Khimikova, we immersed ourselves in the history of the language, as well as in romantic literature, music and cinema! We have prepared some facts for you: One of the reasons why …

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Most recently, the SinoClub at the Primakov Centre hosted the celebration of the Chinese New Year. Our holiday was opened by a small but fascinating report by Gunel Aliyeva about the main traditions of the New Year in China. Did you know that in China there are seven dishes, eating which will make seven cherished desires come true, for example, fish brings prosperity, thangyuan or rice balls – a lot of happiness, and dumplings – health? Next, the young people took part in exciting master classes on calligraphy and making ornaments from our guest, a student of Samara University, Yishan Jiang. Everyone …

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Day of Diplomatic Workers of Russia at the Volga State University

The Primakov Centre took part in a teleconference of the Center for Public Diplomacy of the Volgograd State University on the topic “Day of a diplomatic worker in the Russian Federation”. The conference discussed the specifics of building a diplomatic service in Russia. This is especially important now in the period of updating the international situation. The rector of the Volgograd State University, Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor Alla Eduardovna Kalinina made welcoming remarks to the participants of the conference. Dmitry Vadimovich Belov, Deputy Director of the Latin American Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Envoy Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the …

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Teleconference with Maria Zakharova on the Day of Science

On February 8, 2024, on Science Day, the Primakov Center held a meeting with the Director of the Department of Information and Press of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Maria Zakharova. The event was supported by the Department of External Relations of the Administration of the Governor of the Samara Region. Maria Zakharova, the Director of the Department of Information and Press of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, holds the rank of Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Russia and is one of the most popular Russian diplomats. In 2015, she made history by becoming the first official spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign …

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ISKRAN Conference on the topic “The Arctic in Global Confrontation”

On February 6, 2024, the Primakov Center took part in a video conference of the USA and Canada Institute on behalf of Academician G. A. Arbatov of the Russian Academy of Sciences, which, in partnership with the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences, held a joint conference on the topic “The Arctic in a Global Confrontation Context.” During the event, a number of issues were discussed: security issues, the development of the Northern Sea Route, as well as Finland and Sweden’s possible accession to NATO. The opening of the conference featured welcoming remarks from Academician of the Russian Academy of …

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The Primakov Centre hosted a meeting of IberAClub and the Center for Spanish Culture, dedicated to the celebration of Christmas in Spanish-speaking countries. Our guests told us about the peculiarities of celebrating Christmas in their home countries: Pedro de las Eras told us about how Christmas is celebrated in Spain and also shared touching family stories and memories from his own life, thanks to which we were able to get into the spirit of the holiday. Jairo Verdugo and Otto Gutierrez from Colombia told us about the specific customs of celebrating Christmas in their homeland: Did you know that who …

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Most recently, the final meeting of the English Club took place this year! At it, we discussed the most unusual gifts that were given to us, shared our associations with the outgoing year, 2023, and also wrote each other wishes for the next year! During the meeting, we got acquainted with idioms that are associated with new beginnings and goals. For those who were not at the meeting, we attach these idioms below. With love,Your EnglishClub

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On one of the pre-Christmas days, Derklub managed to visit Kevin and see what he was doing there… “Ich esse Süßigkeiten und gucke Quatsch im Fernsehen an. Kommt lieber raus und verbietet es mir”.“Das ist mein Haus und ich werde es verteidigen”The film creates Weihnachtsstimmung and gives the opportunity to understand wie wichtig es ist, mit der Familie zu feiern.DerKlub thanks everyone, who came and spent with us den Film genießen

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On December 22, the final meeting of this year’s SinoClub at The Primakov Centre was held on the theme: “Chinese Fashion” The participants of the meeting managed to learn a lot of interesting things about Chinese women’s and men’s street fashion thanks to our wonderful speakers – Anastasia Maslova (student of Nottingham University in Ningbo, China) and Luo Cheng (student of Samara National Research University named after Academician Sergey P. Korolev). Chinese street fashion is a reflection of modern Chinese people’s self-expression. We discussed various aspects of it, including its historical context, the transition from social status to self-expression, logomania …

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Bonjour, les amis! On December 21, in our FranClub, we celebrated the New Year! The event was hosted by Pere Noel and Fille de la neige. Our program started off with a memorable moment. Suddenly, the sounds of a trombone filled the room, and guests soon recognized the melody of the famous worldwide New Year song “Vive le vent d’hiver”. During the event, the children talked about the New Year traditions in France and even revealed how the New Year is celebrated in different parts of the country. Puis, we heard another famous melody played on violin and trombone – …

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