Opening of the Anniversary “V Week of Russian Diplomacy”

On April 17, 2024, the Anniversary “V Week of Russian Diplomacy”, which is dedicated to space diplomacy, opened at the Primakov Centre. Mikhail Leonov, Vice-Rector for Educational Work and Youth Policy of the Samara University, addressed the participants of the event with an introductory speech: “The opportunities that are opened to you, students, are unique, and you need to use them to the fullest.” Farit Mukhametshin, Deputy Chair of the Committee of the Federation Council on International Affairs, stressed the importance of the issue of regulating space diplomacy in his speech. It is impossible to achieve progress without working together, so, …

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Open lecture by A. Evseenko: ‘Topical Issues of US Foreign Policy’

As part of the first Day of the “V Week of Russian Diplomacy”, a lecture was held by Andrey Evseenko, Deputy Director for Science of ISKRAN. The speaker presented a detailed report on the current priorities of US foreign policy. According to Andrey Evseenko, the study of foreign policy should begin with an analysis of domestic policy. As the speaker noted, the state of the mechanism of US foreign policy has suffered from many factors. Andrey Evseenko also paid much attention to the NATO alliance and its increasing role in the current conditions. Andrey Evseenko called the development of relations …

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Unitis Club debate: “Privatization of space: should private companies play a key role in space exploration or should it remain under the control of states?”

On April 17, 2024, the Primakov Centre hosted held a debate of the Unitis Club on the topic “Space privatization: should private companies play a key role in space exploration, or should it remain under the control of states?” as part of the “V Week of Russian Diplomacy”. Alexander Fedoseev, a representative of JSC SRC Progress, noted that cosmonautics is one of the main industries without which it is impossible to imagine the development of mankind. Ksenia Pisanenko, a lawyer for the private space company SR Space, mentioned in her opening speech that space is a sphere that is difficult …

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Open Doors Day of the History Department

14 апреля на площадке Центра имени Е.М. Примакова прошел день открытых дверей Исторического факультета. Поприветствовал всех Ярослав Голубинов, декан факультета. Он начал свой рассказ весьма символично — с истории: факультет возник в 1969 году. — Времена меняются, мы меняемся вместе с ними, истфак тоже меняется, но всегда остаётся местом, где изучают историю, затем документоведение, а после и международные отношения. Исторический факультет гордится своими выпускниками. Среди них политики, писатели, учёные, общественные деятели. Например, основатель «Том Сойер Феста» Андрей Кочетков. Говоря об образовательной программе, декан выделил пользу индивидуальных образовательных траекторий и наглядно продемонстрировал набор предметов на бакалавриате разных направлений подготовки.

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April FranClub Talk

We are sharing with you the moments of our conversational FranClub! It’s been 3 meetings already and we’re getting closer each time. At the second meeting, we discussed the dream job and the experience we had already gained. Today we talked about our hobbies and ways to relieve stress, because it’s already the middle of the semester and the session is just around the corner. If you also want to relax and spend time in good company, as well as practice speaking French, we are waiting for you at our next meeting!

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“You Knock on My Door”,”The Magnificent Century” and other TV series in TurkishClub

On April 10, 2024, a meeting of the Turkish club dedicated to Turkish cinema was held at the Primakov Center. The participants of the event told about their serial preferences as well as their favorite actors. Students shared the emotions they felt while watching their favorite Turkish series, what details they noticed, what they liked and what they were repelled by. The participants of the event learned a lot of interesting facts about seemingly long known and popular series. For example, we found out: why is the super-popular in Russia series “Knock on my door” so actively criticized in Turkey …

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DerKlub: ‘Hakuna matata’ as a new philosophical movement or ‘what is this Raop of yours?’

“Hakuna matata” as a new philosophical movement or “what is this Raop of yours?”  Answers to these and other questions our guests learned on April 9 at the next meeting of the club, dedicated to German music in our most favorite cartoons. DerKlub thanks the 2nd year students of the Linguistics (gr. 5204-450302D) for their hard work and creative approach!  From the rich program of our meeting, the club members learned: whether the meaning of songs from the cartoon “Bremen Musicians” is similar in the Soviet and German versions; who the Kikoriki are and how Karych, Sowunya and other characters …

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FranClub session on the topic of functional reading

Bonjour, les amis! In the Primakov Centre, another FranClub meeting was held, this time dedicated to the topic of functional reading. Oleg V. Frolov, candidate of philological sciences, member of the Union of Journalists of Russia with great pleasure shared with the participants the secrets of functional reading. Each type of text and even a separate linguistic symbol can carry a lot of meanings that vary from the context! As our guest emphasized, these skills are universal and can be applied to any other language, not only French. We would like to thank our guest again for such a fascinating …

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