Graduation of International students

On June 21-22, graduates of the Department of Theory and History of Journalism in the field of Television at Samara University presented their final qualifying works. The Chairman of the state examination Commission was Rifat Sabitov, Deputy Director General — Head of the regional Department of VGTRK, Chairman of the Commission of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation for the development of the information community, mass Media and mass communications. Elena Krylova, Director of GTRK Samara, joined the GEC. The knowledge of future professionals was also evaluated: Natalia Zakharchenko — Head of the Department of Theory and History of …
On June 18-19, the E. M. Primakov Center hosted a practice-oriented training “Current changes and application practices in the field of procurement”. The participants got acquainted with the new regulations in the regulatory framework when implementing additional procurement grounds by the customer, when concluding contracts without EIS. Maxim Tychkin, Chief Specialist of the Department of Standard Procurement, shared his experience about the points on additional requirements for procurement participants in accordance with Law No. 44-FZ.
Today, the activists of the E.M. Primakov Center enjoyed the history of Samara during our little trip! We were joined by our friends from Turkey, Sao Tome and Principe, Mexico, and Ecuador, who came to Samara University for a summer internship. Currently, we are surrounded by many structures inherited from ancient civilizations. And, perhaps, this is most clearly manifested in architecture. Columns and colonnades, domes and arches, keystones – these architectural elements have been around for thousands of years. We can say that they have passed the historical path together with humanity. The bright original flavor of Samara kupecheskaya is …
Today, activists of the E.M. Primakov Center went on their little trip around the city of Samara. A sightseeing tour of Samara is a great opportunity to get to know the city, plunge into its atmosphere, trace its history and development through the centuries, and feel the contrasts. On a tour of the historical center of the city, the participants examined the decoration of the facades of Samara buildings, got acquainted with the history of the appearance of individual signs and symbols in architecture, their meanings. They also learned about the change of symbols on facades in different historical periods, …
On June 3, the E.M. Primakov Center hosted a law festival, which unites all those involved in the life of the Law Institute The participants showed their knowledge in the legal field in order to investigate the crime and find the unfortunate thief! At the end of the event, when the cards were revealed, a solemn awarding ceremony was held – the most active, initiative law students who proved themselves this academic year were awarded Source and photo: Yelisey Andreev, Anastasia Mityaeva, Anastasia Mityaeva (Photo reports “Porthole”)
The E.M. Primakov Center hosted a “Steepcom” at Samara University. The Stipcom Seminar School is an event in which student members of scholarship commissions study issues of scholarship provision and financial support. During the work of the school, the following topics were studied: how to apply for financial assistance correctly, the participants got acquainted with the Federal Law “On Youth Policy”. Cases related to the submission of applications for PGAS and financial help were played. But the most important thing is that the guys passed the final test, which determined the level of our knowledge about scholarships at our university.Source: …
On May 30, the Regional Center for the Development of Public Diplomacy and International Relations named after E. M. Primakov hosted a film reception of the Club of Honorary Citizens of the Samara Region, as part of the cultural and educational project “Looking to the Future: A Dialogue of Generations”. One of the participants and speakers of the events was Peter Serafimovich Kabytov, an Honorary citizen of the Samara region and a professor at Samara University.
On May 29, the Primakov Center hosted a meeting of the Turkish club, which was devoted to the intricacies of business communication with Turkish partners. What have we learned? Rush in negotiations with the Turks is disastrous! No issues can be resolved on the spur of the moment, and you need to be mentally prepared for this. Our: “Time is money” works a little differently here. You need to spend quite a lot of time “building bridges” and “building relationships” in order to get results later. Follow the formal rules and hierarchy. Turkish partners appreciate directness and sincerity, so discussing …
The Debate Club held a debate on very topical subject: «Classical education VS Distance education»! The participants discussed various aspects of this issue. Some of them were in favour of classical education, noting its significance in the personality formation, development of social and practical skills. Others supported distance education, pointing out its versatility and accessibility, especially in modern technological conditions. The debate showed that both approaches have their own advantages and disadvantages. Traditional education can provide a structured system of knowledge and personal interaction with teachers and classmates. However, it can be geographically and financially limited and not always adaptable …