On June 27-30, representatives of the Primakov Center Guzyalia Shakurova and Angelika Vasilyeva took part in the annual scientific and educational conference “Asian Dialogue – 2024”, organized by the Gorchakov Foundation together with the Institute of Asian and African Countries of Lomonosov Moscow State University. This year, the main topic of discussion was the interaction of Russia with China and the countries of Southeast Asia.

More than 70 representatives of Belarus, Vietnam, India, Indonesia, Cambodia, China, Myanmar, Pakistan, Russia, Thailand and Central Asian countries participated in the program.

Within the framework of the three-day program, participants were able to discuss with leading experts from Russia, China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand and Kazakhstan issues related to the integration processes in Asia, the rivalry between China and the United States, and the PRC’s path to economic prosperity.

Special attention was paid to the future Arctic cooperation between Russia and China. As the speakers pointed out, the Arctic zone of Russia is a strategic raw material base, where mining enterprises, energy infrastructure, and facilities of the military-industrial complex are located. China views the Arctic as a source of resources. Among the alternative directions of Russian-Chinese cooperation in this region, experts named joint maneuvers in the Bering Sea, conservation of biodiversity, and environmental protection.

All the knowledge gained helped the participants in drawing up the final project, which they presented on the final day. The work program ended with a debate on the topic of block confrontation between the collective West and the Global South. The participants learned to defend their point of view in a reasoned manner.

The highlight of the cultural part of the program was a visit to the Japanese tea ceremony. So, all participants were able to enjoy not only a traditional drink, but also sweets.

Source: Gorchakov Foundation

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