An exhibition of unique archive documents ‘Development of Rocket Building in Russia’ opened in Samara

The 21st of November 2024, Marat Yuryev, Federal Inspector for the Samara Region, on behalf of Igor Komarov, Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Volga federal district, took part in the grand opening of the exhibition of unique archive documents dedicated to the life and activities of S.P. Korolev, the founder of practical cosmonautics, entitled “Development of rocket engineering in Russia”.

In 2022, at the meeting of the Council for strategic development and national projects, Russian President Vladimir Putin identified improving the quality of engineering personnel training as one of the state’s priorities. This task was further developed in 2023 at the Presidium of the State Council, dedicated to the development of the country’s industry under sanctions pressure, as well as within the framework of the relevant instructions of the Chairman of the Russian Government.

In fulfilment of the indicated decisions Samara University together with the Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences, as well as the leading enterprises of JSC ‘RSC “Progress” and PJSC “ODK-Kuznetsov” prepared an exposition dedicated to the contribution of Academician S.P. Korolev to the development of the aerospace industry of our country, as well as lectures and master classes for students and schoolchildren of the Samara region, which are designed to give a new impetus to the development of young people’s interest in the achievements of our country in space exploration.

“First of all, I would like to thank for such a timely and creative initiative the organisers of the exhibition: Samara University, the Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the leading rocket-building enterprises of the Samara region, RSC Progress and ODK-Kuznetsov. It is very important in this difficult time to show and explain to our youth who is really a real hero and who they should look up to! Training of modern engineering and technical staff is one of the most important and strategic directions of the state outlined by the President. The country is increasing the capacity of the defence industry enterprises, the efficient operation of which requires highly qualified specialists, especially those with the same qualities as those of Sergei Pavlovich Korolev. I am sure that the exhibition of unique archive documents dedicated to the biography of Sergey Pavlovich will become a landmark event not only for the students of Samara University, but also for all residents of the space capital of Russia, i.e. our native city”, – Marat Yuryev addressed the organisers and guests of the exhibition.

The exhibition is the first time that the documents of the Archive of the Russian Academy of sciences from S.P. Korolev’s fund are presented in such a large volume, they include both personal photos and letters, and working materials. Also presented are documents on the contribution to the development of national cosmonautics of RSC Progress JSC and ODK-Kuznetsov PJSC.

Samara is rightfully the space capital of Russia. It was here that the production of the first intercontinental ballistic missiles R-7 began, and then Vostok, Molniya, Voskhod and Soyuz were developed and built. Samara rocket carriers launched not only Yuri Gagarin’s Vostok, but also the spacecrafts of other Soviet and Russian cosmonauts into Earth orbit.

The contribution of Samara residents to the development of cosmonautics cannot be overestimated. Today Samara scientists, engineers, workers of the enterprises-participants of the exhibition RSC Progress JSC and ODK-Kuznetsov PJSC, as well as students, scientists and teachers of Samara University, which from the first day of its foundation and up to the present time prepares personnel for the aviation and space industries of our country, continue the work of S.P. Korolev.

Source: Official website of the plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Volga federal district