The Primakov Centre Library has been replenished with new books

Искренне благодарим Председателя Совета ветеранов МИД России Валерия Ивановича Морозова за увлекательные книги из серии «Дипломаты вспоминают», изданные Советом ветеранов МИД России, в том числе издание, посвященное Е.М. Примакову, выпущенное к его юбилею. Эти истории открывают завесу тайны над сложным миром международных отношений. Мы уверены, что они помогут студентам погрузиться в описание исторических событий и тонкостей дипломатического искусства. Каждая страница наполнена новыми знаниями и впечатлениями. Спасибо авторам за их труд и готовность делиться своим бесценным опытом!

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Festival “Dialogue of Cultures – 2024”

В Центре имени Е.М. Примакова прошел яркий и незабываемый фестиваль “Диалог культур”. Гости фестиваля с удовольствием принимали участие в мастер-классах, дегустациях и других интерактивных программах клубов Центра, но самое главное – они смогли спасти Деда Мороза от вируса! В IberAClub участники обсудили историю Мачу-Пикчу, загадочного города инков, его происхождение и расцвет. Обсуждалось культурное значение Мачу-Пикчу для перуанского народа и всего мира. Было отмечено, что Мачу-Пикчу является символом инкской цивилизации и важным объектом культурного наследия ЮНЕСКО. Также участники смогли узнать много новых испанских слов, которые очень похожи на русские. Вместе с EnglishClub студенты спели новогодние песни вместе с самым настоящим Сантой …

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Round table “Development of methods and technologies of information warfare during internal political conflicts: international experience”

On December 25, 2024, the Primakov Center hosted a round table entitled “Development of methods and technologies of information warfare during domestic political conflicts: international experience.” The event was organized jointly with the School of International Information Security of the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia. The event was moderated by: Martirosyan Arevik Zhoraevna is a researcher at the Institute of Current International Problems (IAMP), Head of the IAMP School of International Information Security at the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia. Roschupkin Vitaly Gennadievich – Director of the Regional Center for …

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Issues of functioning of employment service were discussed at Samara University

Olga Fursova, Acting Minister of Labor, Employment and Migration Policy of the Samara Region, met with students of Samara University. The meeting was devoted to the functioning of the employment service – “Modern employment Service: what is it missing?” The event was also attended by Sergey Kursov, Deputy Acting Minister of Labor, Employment and Migration Policy of the Samara Region, Sergey Osetrov, Head of the Department of Administrative and Legal Relations of the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Migration Policy of the Samara Region, Victoria Bolgova, Vice-rector of Samara University, Irina Loginova, Director of the Center for Attracting Investments and …

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Meeting of teachers of the Department of Russian History with students as part of the Department Week

A meeting of teachers of the Department of Russian History with students took place today as part of the department’s week. During the conversation, professors, associate professors, senior lecturers and assistants shared their scientific experience and talked about the main scientific problems they are researching. The thematic range of problems that teachers solve is wide and covers subjects from archeology and the late Middle Ages to the Soviet Century, including modern history. Thank you for your interest and wish you the right choice of scientific field of study. Tomorrow, the final meeting will take place – a presentation of rare …

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Minister of Education of Samara Region met with students

On December 20, 2024, the Minister of Education of the Samara Region, Viktor Albertovich Akopyan, gave a lecture to students of Samara University on the topic “The current stage in the development of the system of general and vocational education.” The vivid lecture by the minister, who himself is a graduate of the Faculty of Chemistry of Samara University, aroused the keen interest of the audience. Photos provided by the Samara University Public Relations Center The author is Olesya Orina

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Meeting of sociology students with the director of the Center for Humanitarian Technologies and Research “Social Mechanics”

On December 19, 2024, the Primakov Center hosted a meeting of students of sociology with Mikhail Churakov, Director of the Center for Humanitarian Technologies and Research “Social Mechanics”. The event was organized jointly with the Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Sociology. During the meeting, Mikhail spoke about the work of the Social Mechanics Center, conducted research and projects, answered students’ questions about the profession of a sociologist and opportunities for young professionals to realize themselves. Don’t miss the chance to gain valuable knowledge and expand your professional horizons!

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Samara International Model of UN Security Council 2024

December 18, 2024, the Samara International Model of the UN Security Council was held at the Primakov Regional Center for the Development of Public Diplomacy and International Relations. The agenda of the meeting was devoted to the Suez crisis. This year, the Samara Model of the United Nations became International and brought together participants from different countries.: Samara National Research University named after academician S.P. Korolev (Russia); Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University named after B.N. Yeltsin (Kyrgyzstan); Thai Nguyen University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Vietnam (Vietnam); Volgograd State University (Russia); Northwestern Polytechnic University (China); Belgorod State University (Russia); Recep Tayyip Erdogan …

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Seminar “Analytical support for decision making: overview and basics”

A seminar was held by Egor Simanov, a researcher at the Center for Political Studies at the Institute of Latin America of the Russian Academy of Sciences, in preparation for the International Model of the UN Security Council. The seminar on “Analytical Decision Support: overview and basics” was held in English. The expert raised issues related to the disclosure of the essence of political analysis – its objectives, objects of research, and the results obtained. The importance of analysis for modern political research and political decision-making was also revealed. The process of forming an information base for political analysis was …

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Meeting of students with the director of the advertising and publishing holding “Absolut”

The Primakov Center hosted a meeting of students with Mikhail Rastorgin, director of the Absolut advertising and publishing holding and permanent producer of The Night of the Advertising Eaters in Samara. The event was organized jointly with the Department of Russian Language and Mass Communication. The head of the Department of Russian Language and Mass Communications, Doctor of Philology, Professor Nadezhda Alekseevna Ilyukhina, addressed the participants of the event with welcoming words. The event was hosted by Angelina Paramoshkina, a student of the Faculty of Philology and Journalism. During the meeting, Mikhail answered all the students’ questions about the specifics …

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