DerKlub on Volgofest

How do I order in a cafe in German? How do I ask for directions? How to ask for help? At Volgafest 2024 there was a master class on the initial tourist German language! Los geht’s! Lecturer Vasily Nikitin, director of the German Language Center of Samara University, and the head of the German club of the E.M. Primakov Center DerKlub Yulia Nesteryuk told about the basic rules of successful travel in Germany, and also helped those wishing to learn a few important phrases that will be useful in trips to distant shores. Going on a trip to any country, …

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Open Days 2024 at the Primakov Centre

Freshmen, welcome! From August 28 to September 2, the E.M. Primakov Regional Center for the Development of Public Diplomacy and International Relations held open days for first-year students of sociology, history, international studies, journalism and biology. In the framework of the Open Doors Day, the Center’s staff told about the main activities, achievements, ongoing projects, plans and events. “Diplomacy Week”, “Road to Success”, UN, SCO and ASEAN Models, cultural and language clubs, conferences… All this is an opportunity to prove yourself and find your place in the future by acquiring important practical skills! Besides, the Primakov Center is a platform …

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SinoClub participates in International Summer Schools

On August 1, at the Boiling Point of Samara University, coordinators of the SinoClub of the E.M. Primakov Center held an event dedicated to Russian games for students from China who came to Samara to participate in the International Summer Schools organized by the Center for International Short-term Educational Programs. As part of the program, the students were able to learn a lot about the structure of engines, aviation technology, as well as practice their Russian speech. We helped our guests to immerse themselves in the world of Russian traditions! The event was opened with a small but informative presentation …

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