The internship of Samara international students in Institute of Latin American Studies Russian Academy of Science

From April 22 to 26, third-year students of Samara University in the field of International Relations – Kuzmina Karina and Sivkov Ivan were interning at the Institute of Latin American Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The region of Latin America is in the scientific interests of the trainees The students’ trip made a great contribution to strengthening cooperation between the Primakov Center and ILA RAN. Karina and Ivan attended master class on resume writing, which will help them in the future to properly design resumes and motivation letters. In addition, the students were shown a master class on working …

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The internship of Samara international students in Arbatov U.S. and Canada Institute

From April 22 to 26, Ekaterina Sarycheva and Polina Nechetova, fourth-year students of Samara University in the field of International Relations, had an internship at Georgy Arbatov Institute for U.S. and Canada Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences. During the internship, they had an opportunity to discuss the topics of their final qualifying works with the country’s best experts in the field of American studies, and also attended the International Conference “The USA and the Changing Balance of Power in the Asia-Pacific Region”, organized by Georgy Arbatov Institute for U.S. and Canada Studies in partnership with Institute of China and Contemporary …

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The Day of Portuguese language

On May 6, the Portuguese Language Day was held at the IberAClub of the Primakov Center! And thanks to Aguilar-Valera Jose Alonso, the professor of Samara University, we plunged into the colorful world of Portuguese-speaking. At the beginning of the meeting, we got acquainted with the basics of the language, pronounced our first phrases in Portuguese and found out in which countries it is spoken. Then we talked about the work of such writers as Luis de Camoens, Jorge Amadou, Jose Saramago and discussed football. And at the end of the meeting, we listened to incendiary Portuguese-language music of different …

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