The Primakov Centre hosted a meeting of IberAClub and the Center for Spanish Culture, dedicated to the celebration of Christmas in Spanish-speaking countries. Our guests told us about the peculiarities of celebrating Christmas in their home countries: Pedro de las Eras told us about how Christmas is celebrated in Spain and also shared touching family stories and memories from his own life, thanks to which we were able to get into the spirit of the holiday. Jairo Verdugo and Otto Gutierrez from Colombia told us about the specific customs of celebrating Christmas in their homeland: Did you know that who …
Month: December 2023
Most recently, the final meeting of the English Club took place this year! At it, we discussed the most unusual gifts that were given to us, shared our associations with the outgoing year, 2023, and also wrote each other wishes for the next year! During the meeting, we got acquainted with idioms that are associated with new beginnings and goals. For those who were not at the meeting, we attach these idioms below. With love,Your EnglishClub
On one of the pre-Christmas days, Derklub managed to visit Kevin and see what he was doing there… “Ich esse Süßigkeiten und gucke Quatsch im Fernsehen an. Kommt lieber raus und verbietet es mir”.“Das ist mein Haus und ich werde es verteidigen”The film creates Weihnachtsstimmung and gives the opportunity to understand wie wichtig es ist, mit der Familie zu feiern.DerKlub thanks everyone, who came and spent with us den Film genießen
On December 22, the final meeting of this year’s SinoClub at The Primakov Centre was held on the theme: “Chinese Fashion” The participants of the meeting managed to learn a lot of interesting things about Chinese women’s and men’s street fashion thanks to our wonderful speakers – Anastasia Maslova (student of Nottingham University in Ningbo, China) and Luo Cheng (student of Samara National Research University named after Academician Sergey P. Korolev). Chinese street fashion is a reflection of modern Chinese people’s self-expression. We discussed various aspects of it, including its historical context, the transition from social status to self-expression, logomania …
Bonjour, les amis! On December 21, in our FranClub, we celebrated the New Year! The event was hosted by Pere Noel and Fille de la neige. Our program started off with a memorable moment. Suddenly, the sounds of a trombone filled the room, and guests soon recognized the melody of the famous worldwide New Year song “Vive le vent d’hiver”. During the event, the children talked about the New Year traditions in France and even revealed how the New Year is celebrated in different parts of the country. Puis, we heard another famous melody played on violin and trombone – …
Meeting of the Council for the Development of the Samara region External Relations
On December 20th, the representative of the E.M. Primakov Center, Guzaliya Shakurova, participated in a meeting of the Council for the Development of External Relations of the Samara Region. The working group members summarized the 2023 activities and drafted plans for the region’s international cooperation development in 2024. The meeting included presentations of the reports from the Department of External Relations of the Samara Region Governor’s Administration, the Ministry of Tourism of the Samara Region, the Ministry of Economic Development and Investments of the Samara Region, the Samara Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Togliatti Chamber of Commerce and Industry, …
Meeting of the Samara region Public Chamber
Anastasia Tolstikova, a specialist of the Primakov Centre, took part in a meeting of the interdepartmental working group of the Samara Region Public Chamber on public diplomacy and international cooperation. Members of the working group discussed the development of humanitarian cooperation for the Samara Region in the new geopolitical environment, and also reviewed the plans for 2024, including interaction with compatriots living abroad and activities to promote the Russian language.
The agreement has been signed with the Project Office of the Russia-BRICS International Youth Cooperation
Last week, the project office of the international youth cooperation “Russia-BRICS” signed a cooperation agreement with the Samara National Research University named after S.P. Korolev. The university is ranked in the top 100 of the best universities in the BRICS countries and has been actively strengthening its international cooperation efforts since 2013, including within the BRICS framework. On December 14th, an exhibition titled “Ornaments of the BRICS countries: traditional interpretation and creative reinterpretation” took place at the Samara National Research University named after S.P. Korolev. The exhibition was the result of the work of 40 participants from five national teams. …
Unitis Debates
ORDER! We visited the British Parliament! Of course, it was a joke, but it felt like the Westminster Palace! The debates were dedicated to the topic: “Revolutions on the African continent: intervention or non-interference position“. Two teams fought equally to propose a way to ease political tensions in Africa. Albert Novikov, a second-year graduate student of the “Analysis and Expert Commentary on International Processes” at RGGU, served as the moderator. The jury chair was Associate Professor Tatiana A. Guralnik from the English Philology Department. And today’s meeting winner was the team… drum roll… The Government! Team composition: 1. Prime Minister …
Samara Interuniversity Model of the African Union 2023
15 декабря 2023 г., с 10:00 до 15:30 в Центре развития публичной дипломатии и международных отношений имени Е.М. Примакова проходило заключительное мероприятие в рамках Недели Африки – Самарская Межвузовская Модель Ассамблеи Глав государств Африканского союза. Участие в ней приняли как студенты Самарского Университета, так и студенты других ВУЗов области, а также учащиеся старших классов школ Самарской области.