French cosmonaut, Hero of the Soviet Union Jean‑Loup Chretien took part in the teleconference between Moscow, Samara and Paris

On October 26, MGIMO MFA of Russia and Samara National Research University named after Academician Sergey P. Korolev organized a teleconference “Space Diplomacy”, which brought together cosmonauts, students and activists of the Space Diplomacy Club, representatives of private cosmonautics from Moscow, Samara and Paris. The teleconference was held within the track “Current Trends in Space Diplomacy Development” of the II International Scientific and Practical Conference “Digital International Relations 2023” with the participation of the Russian House of Science and Culture in Paris. The participants of the teleconference discussed the history and modern aspects of space diplomacy, Russian-French relations in the …

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“People in orbit are cosmopolitans”: videoconference on space diplomacy

A teleconference “Space Diplomacy” took place in Moscow, Samara and Paris, where representatives of the Russian private space program, students and the famous French cosmonaut Jean-Loup Chrétien took part. The broadcast was organized as part of the track “Current trends in the development of space diplomacy” of the II International Scientific and Practical Conference “Digital International Relations 2023”, which is being held these days at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO). Students from MGIMO and Samara National Research University named after Academician Sergey P. Korolev discussed issues of ensuring the safety of space research and the peaceful use …

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Online-conference with MGIMO of the MFA of Russia on the topic “Space Diplomacy”

On October 26, The Primakov Centre jointly with MGIMO University MFA of Russia organised online conference on the topic “Space Diplomacy”, which was held as part of the II International scientific and practical conference “Digital International Relations 2023”. The conference united experts representing business, science and government agencies. The participants were also able to discuss the impact of technology on world politics. The event was opened with a report by Anastasia Tolstikova, a 4th-year student of Samara University majoring in International Relations, on the topic “Space Diplomacy: History and modernity”: “The development of space is not connected with “international” cooperation, …

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