On May 13, 2022, the annual Samara Interuniversity Model of the UN was held at the Regional Centre for the Development of Public Diplomacy and International Relations named after Yevgeniy M. Primakov.

Director of the UN Information Center in Moscow V.V. Kuznetsov, prorector of Samara University M.M. Leonov and Consultant of the External Relations Department of the Administration of the Minister of the Governor of the Samara Region D.K. Sukhanov addressed a welcoming speech to the participants of the game. More than 50 participants of the Model UN turned for one day from students and school students into delegates representing the United Nations General Assembly in order to change the world for the better during  discussions.

Samara Interuniversity Model UN is an exciting business role–playing game in which students and school students reproduced the work of the United Nations General Assembly. The participants of the UN Model – delegates, chairmen, watchers and experts – performed as official representatives of UN member States and members of international organizations who came to the conference to discuss today’s issues. In the model, delegates abstract from their personal point of view and defend the official position of the country they represent. The purpose of the UN Model is to increase the level of knowledge of students and school students about the most topical problems of the world community, to discuss and form their own opinions on these questions.

This year, there were many newcomers to the UN Model, together with students from 7 universities, students from 5 schools from all over the region took part in the business game. This means that the model community is developing. The old one is being replaced by a new generation of talented participants – the model will continue to exist, conquering new heights. After the meeting, the delegates adopted the final document “Countering the use of information and communication technologies for criminal purposes”, which was presented by the delegation of Germany.

At the official closing ceremony, the best delegates of the UN General Assembly were awarded: Danila I. Mokrousov (SBGEI Secondary Gymnasium No. 11), Roman E. Senchev (Samara University), Victoria A. Brumina (SBGEI Secondary School No. 2 from Ust-Kinelsky), Andrey P. Sokhin (Samara branch of “Moscow city university”) .

We thank all participants of the Samara Interuniversity Model of the UN, wish them good luck in future achievements, and also invite them to the Samara Interuniversity Model of the UN next year!

You can follow the news in social networks (https://vk.com/sammodelun, https://vk.com/primunitis).