On December 20, 2022, the Samara Interuniversity Model of the UN was held at the Regional Centre for the Development of Public Diplomacy and International Relations named after Yevgeniy M. Primakov.

It was organized by the Primakov Center with the support of United Nations Association of Russia, the MGIMO Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, and the Presidential Grants Fund.

At the beginning of the meeting, in his video message, the director of the UN Information Center in Moscow, Vladimir Kuznetsov, noted that despite the fact that the UN system is currently being heavily criticized, this does not allow it to be deprived of its status as the main international negotiating platform, where agreements with legal and political realization can and should be reached.

He reiterated: “We see no other way but the way of dialogue, other than the way of finding compromises, agreement based on multilateral institutions, international law and the UN Charter.”

Alexey Borisov, First Deputy Chairman of the United Nations Association of Russia, Vice-President of the World Federation of UN Associations, Head of the UNESCO Department of MGIMO, addressed the youth with the words: “As you know, United Nations Association of Russia places youth in a special place of honor in its projects and programs.”

He also noted that student initiatives always get to the pages of the report of the Association “Regions of Russia and UN Sustainable Development Goals”, which is very pleasing and deserves support.

“We are happy and proud that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia carries out its programs within the Samara MGIMO University. This is a step forward for us,” said Alexander Nesterov, Director of the Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities of Samara University.

Every year, more than 80 students and school students not only from Russia, but also from other countries take part in the Model UN, organized by the Primakov Center. This year, representatives of  7 universities and 6 schools from all over the Samara region participated in the game. In the business game, participants become delegates of UN committees, represent the interests of the chosen country and through discussions come to the adoption of a common resolution.

The Secretary General of the Moscow International Model of the United Nations named after V.I. Churkin 2023, Arman Papyan, who also played the role of Secretary General at the meeting of the Model of the United Nations in Samara, thanked the Primakov Center for hospitality and noted:

“The level of preparation of the delegates is very surprising, because everyone is very well-informed of the agenda. They have a good command of the material, have read resolutions, various documents, are informed of all events and discuss the most topical problems in the issue of disarmament, which demonstrates their desire to understand the agenda.”

At the official closing of the UN Model, Prorector for Educational Work and Youth Policy of Samara University Mikhail Leonov reiterated the need for further development of the model movement at the University in order to improve the competencies of students in the international realm and wished further success to all participants. According to the results of the meeting, the best delegates of the General Assembly of the United Nations were awarded: Andrey S. Chistyakov (Samara University); Artem A. Avanesyan (MBGEI Gymnasium No. 3); Artemiy V. Karno (Samara State Socio-Pedagogical University).

We appreciate all the participants of the Samara Interuniversity Model UN for their active participation in the event and wish them to realize no less interesting creative projects in the future! We also invite you to the Samara Interuniversity Model UN next year!