In December 2020 the Regional Centre for the Development of Public Diplomacy and International Relations named after Yevgeniy M. Primakov was established by Samara National Research University named after Academician Sergey P. Korolev (Samara University) as a subdivision of the university.

The initiative to create the Center was put forward by the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Farit Mukhametshin together with the President of Samara University Viktor Soifer.

Фарит Мубаракшевич Мухаметшин
Farit M. Mukhametshin
Виктор Александрович Сойфер
Victor A. Soifer

The center’s activities are directed to improve the competencies of the Samara region in the sphere of international cooperation to expand the region’s external relations, as well as to develop international cultural and humanitarian contacts between young generation of the Samara region and young people from foreign countries.

The center is opened for cooperation with all institutions and companies, experts and specialists of state, non-state, public organizations and enterprises in the field of international scientific, educational, cultural, economic and other relations, as well as public diplomacy in order to coordinate the efforts of all interested parties in promoting the interests of the Samara region abroad.

Presentation of the Centre