The activities of the Regional Centre for the Development of Public Diplomacy and International Relations named after Yevgeniy M. Primakov are aimed at increasing the competence of the Samara region in the field of international cooperation, expanding the region’s external relations, as well as developing international cultural and humanitarian contacts between the youth of the Samara region and the youth of foreign countries.
The Center is engaged in educational, scientific, educational and cultural activities, promotes the development of international relations of the Samara region.
Educational activities
The Center participates in the organization and holding of international, educational, scientific, cultural events, including the Government of the Samara Region and the Administration of the Governor of the Samara Region; in the practical training of students in international and Russian organizations involved in the development of international relations, including public diplomacy; in the work to involve Russian and foreign practitioners in the field of international relations and external relations in the preparation of students.

Scientific activity
The Center carries out scientific activities by participating in the organization and holding of lectures, conferences, forums, seminars, memorable meetings with the involvement of Russian and foreign scientists and specialists from universities, cultural institutions, science and education, state and non-state enterprises and organizations, as well as information and analytical events , competitions of creative works and other events, including the preparation of publications, publications, both independently and jointly with institutes and departments of the university, other organizations.
Educational work
The Center carries out educational work that contributes to the formation of civic consciousness, social activity and patriotism among student youth, both independently and jointly with other departments of the university, attracts students to organize and hold conferences, forums, readings, competitions, meetings with veterans, scientists and specialists , organizes youth creative associations and clubs at the Center in accordance with the specifics of the Center’s activities.